Friday, August 8, 2014

Commemorating World War One

It is fascinating to be here in England during the beginning commemorations of World War I.  I feel as though I am living in a history book.  The U.K. has brilliantly created all sorts of ways to learn about, commemorate,  and immerse oneself in the history of the First World War.

Some of my favorites so far are: 

A calendar of daily events of the First World War detailed in an an easy-to-navigate timeline with links to addition resources, articles and information.

The BBC has a terrific website with links to all sorts of special interests like women in the war,  special on-line classes you can take, even WW1's influence on J.R.R. Tolkien's writing.

If you have BBC Iplayer (It's easy to download it if you don't), you can listen to a daily 5-minute dispatch of the events of the First World War as they happened on this day, 100 years ago.  Each episodes draws together newspaper accounts, diplomatic correspondence and private journals from the same day exactly one hundred years ago, giving a picture of the world in 1914 as it was experienced at the time.

The London Tower remembers:  Thousands of ceramic poppies have been planted around the Tower of London.  Titled "Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red" after a poem written by an unknown soldier, the collaboration between artist Paul Cummins and designer Tom Piper will see a total of 888, 246 poppies added over the summer until they encircle the tower.  Poppies are a symbol of remembrance in the U.K. You can even buy one of these poppies at:

There are thousands of events, lectures, concerts, broadcasts, etc. scheduled throughout the U.K. and the world these next four years. Here's a site that lists, for now, 125 pages of events happening around the world.  Take a look and see what is happening in your part of the world:

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